Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Here's my latest response to these ninnies, who keep sending me non-responsive correspondence and expecting me to go away:

Foreclosure Mill Lawyer
Blank Rome LLP

Loan Number Ending in: XXXXX

Dear Mr. FML:

Thank you for your letter of May 20.

I do not believe that you have the note.  I do not believe that any of these "assignments" shown on the note are valid, or were done in a timely manner.  I am not even sure if Michelle Sjolander exists, because your clients sure haven't been able to produce her in other cases.

Please tell me where the note is.  I understand that you're not going to send it to me Pony Express.  But we want to know so that we can venture to its location like pilgrims to Canterbury and examine it ourselves.  We promise to be accompanied by BAC's armed guards and wear white cotton gloves when we do so.

A copy of a hundred dollar U.S. note is not the same as the real thing.  Try spending it at the mall.  We need to know where the real note is, and examine it ourselves.

Please provide me with a complete MERS history on the note, and a detailed explanation on how you claim that FHLMC is the "holder" thereof.


Dale Wiley

cc: client

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